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Guide to Next 2024
Your Outlook on 2024 Digital Business Transformation Trends

Chart your 2024 strategy with all the right maps—and only the right maps. Read on for practical, data-driven insights on global digital trends for the coming year, and scroll down to discover focus areas for your specific industry.   

A man walking through an open green pasture


A woman looking up at computers in the sky

Digital Operating Models

a man standing on a platform looking at a large digital screen in the sky

Modernizing Tech Infrastructure

A man walking into a retail store

Profitable Commerce

Large shipping containers

Supply Chain

Reports by Industry

Our Outlook on Your Unique Opportunities

  • Why Operating Model Transformation Should Be the #1 Priority for CPGs

    From scalable consumer insights to faster time-to-market, here’s how to make your operating model more efficient in 2024.


  • Can CPGs Achieve Profitable Sustainability?

    Sustainability is table stakes, but consumer products companies need a new approach.


  • Will Generative AI Finally Solve the Customer Data Gap in Consumer Products?

    Three strategies to unlock value in your consumer data with emerging artificial intelligence.


  • How Can Agriculture Sow Success in 2024?

    The voice of the farmer will be the north star that will help businesses in the agriculture sector navigate 2024.


  • How Utilities Can Transform in 2024

    The utilities industry is experiencing its biggest transformation since the Industrial Revolution. How can organizations make the most of it?


  • What Will 2024 Bring for the Energy Sector?

    Even though volatility will continue to shape 2024, energy organizations can find opportunities to grow by future-proofing their business.


  • Where to Play in the Future of Generative AI: Cutting Through the Hype

    As organizations increasingly recognize the potential of AI and seek to keep pace with the market, can financial organizations navigate through all the hype surrounding this emerging technology and capitalize on the right opportunities?


  • Embedded Finance: Unleashing the Potential for Future Growth

    By integrating financial services into non-financial platforms and experiences, embedded finance aims to redefine how we interact with money, payments, insurance and banking.


  • Super Apps: A New Wave of Digital Disruption in Banking

    Super apps are multi-functional, all-in-one digital platforms that can integrate a wide range of services delivered directly to consumer smart phones. But can this one-stop shop super app concept translate to banking apps?


  • The Future of Health: Using Generative AI to Reimagine the Patient Experience

    Generative AI has the potential to transform and evolve healthcare transformation efforts in 2024.


  • How Residents Will Navigate Government Services as Generative AI Evolves

    There are many ways in which generative AI is helping residents now and in the future. We identify three focus areas for 2024 that can help government agencies understand challenges and opportunities to reach faster and better resident solutions.


  • The Retail Industry Carbon Emissions Blindspot: What’s Not Being Counted?

    Retailers are missing out on an opportunity to reduce more than 80 percent of their carbon emissions.


  • Top 5 Retail Use Cases for Artificial Intelligence in 2024

    With generative AI, retailers have new ways to utilize data and solve problems. Learn what CEOs need to consider to best leverage generative AI for their company.


  • Consumer Tech Companies Must Prioritize Sustainability for Future Profits in 2024

    In 2024, consumer tech companies will prioritize, innovate and take action to address sustainability as a part of their core business strategy.


  • How Telcos Calculate and Increase Customer Lifetime Value

    Here’s how to analyze and improve customer lifetime value for sustained profitability in the telco sector.


  • Driving Sustainability in Transportation: Exploring Upcoming Themes for the Future

    What’s in store for the automotive industry? Discover the next steps for EV technology and automaker supply chains.


  • 5 Upcoming Factors Impacting Automotive Customer Lifetime Value in the Near Future

    Automakers need new thinking to survive in the long term. But how can they shift away from traditional short-term strategies?


  •  3 Opportunities to Seize the Power of AI in Automotive

    Better performance, maintenance and driver experiences are right around the corner.


  • The Top 5 Hospitality Industry Technology Trends in 2024

    Consumer demand and economic conditions are unpredictable. Here’s how technology will help hotels ride the waves next year.
